
Friday, May 13, 2011

FBFF Post - Outside Influences

Well, what ever is up with blogger but I can't figure out why it rorates my photos this way. They are vertical in my files yet get uploaded horizantal. Well, I have spent enough time to fix it with no success. So just have to turn your screens around!...

Combinning my outfit post with the FBFF post today since due to outage totally behind...

Today's Fashion Beauty Friend Friday hosted by Katy at Modly Chic blog is about
Outside Influnces...
1. What magazines do you subscribe to?
Pretty much all of them: Lucky, People Style Watch, In Style, Elle and Glamour.
Yes, I don't have Vogue cause honestly it is too high end for me. I like to look at realistic fashion.

2. Do you watch any fashion TV shows?
Sadly no.

3. Beyond blogs, what websites do you frequent for fashion inspiration?
Chictopia for sure. I also use 'lookbooks' of variety of retail websites. Favorites are shopbop, ruche, Forever 21, fossil, urban outfitters, J Crew, Anthropologie to name a few...

4. Advertisements play a huge role in forming public opinion about a product or brand… what ads do you like and why?
Piperlime tag lines are very creative and cute.
I also use printed ads for inspiration as well.
I used to be all about brand name clothes. But now I am all about unique looks that suit my tastes and style regardless of their brand names.

5.    Do you own any fashion books?
I don't.

To see how others answered the same questions click HERE!

Also to check out the cool blogs that have linked up to
Blond Episdoes for Fashion Fridays click HERE!

More sideways photos...
I wore the new tule skirted dress from Yes Style today. See how cool it looks in its dressy version with bare legs and my shiny cute kate spade pink heels.

Added a blue and mother of pearl necklace for a slight pop of color...The Grey sweater is my new summer sweater. It is lightweight and in a color that goes with everything.

Of course I couldn't wear this dress like this to the zoo! So added leggings and sneakers which of course kills the whole look...

Dress - YesStyle
Sweater - Forever 21
Necklace - Thread Show
Sandals - Kate Spade

In the casual version:
Leggings - Forever 21
Sneakers - Rocket Dog

Today's Activities: My dad took the day off from work and came over at 8:45 AM so we can take the kids to the zoo together. He was amazed at how only a 2.5 hour outing felt like an entire day and how with kids you lead such a healthy lifestyle of exercise and snacking on healthy food frequently like the Dr's recommend.
And the best part by the time we came home the contractors had finished installing the synthetic grass in the play area. And it looks amazing. It might be the favorite section of the whole remodel for me.

Here we are walking ahead on the hilly paths of SD Zoo...

Kids walking hand in hand... 

Watching the Pandas with Grandpa... 

My little monkeys...

Mommy's little man!

And here is the grass covered play area. My dad insisted I pose there... 


  1. Blogger is so frustrating right now! It unpublished my post from yesterday, deleting all of the comments :(

    Love your top! So cute!

  2. yay, I have the same problem - blogger deleted my post and comments people made two days ago!

    But anyway, you look so pretty <3

    i'm your new follower

  3. It's a good thing I have a laptop and not a desktop so I could lift it sideways! It was worth the effort: this outfit is really cute. I love the bottom of the dress.

    Oh, and your comment about small pleasures captured exactly what I was talking about: being with kids and seeing their innocent wonder about the world is a great thing.

  4. UGH! Blogger rotates my pics sometimes too and I cannot figure out how to fix it. Grrr.

    Love the zoo pics!

    Also, I have a fun giveaway on my blog, you should come enter! The original post and comments were lost, so I'm asking everyone to make sure they enter again!

  5. laughing at the pics. i keep turning my head to the side to get a good look! your outfit is cute but i can't stop staring at that skirt/dress! it's like a tutu and i'm soooooooooo in love with it (i totally get the obsession from my 3yo!). i bought a rodarte for target dress (cuz it was only $10) that has a tutu like skirt and i can't wait to wear it. you have inspired me!!!

    i love the zoo with the kiddos. they seem to have so much fun checking out all the animals!

  6. I love your outfit! and the lawn looks fantastic! Cheers!

  7. Loving the style! I also love the picture of the kids walking holding hands. Such a beautiful moment!
    New follower here :)

  8. that thing with the photos happen to me sometimes too, i rotate them and save them again, sometimes it works, most often it doesn't. i love your skirt! the color is perfect :)

  9. Your outfit is great, I see a lot of tulle lately, I think its a girly trend.... That necklace is fantastic. I am an 'addict' to trade shows, to me its better than a trip to the mall.


Love to hear your thoughts...