
Monday, May 23, 2011

Pretty Artichokes

Well, at first I was all determined to do the 'Inspiration Monday' by Two Birds, BUT, the weather was too cold and I had just worn a very similar outfit for the BDIB event with a tie already...
So, wore this today.

This was inpsired by the lovely Kristy from the MonoChromaChic Chic blog

I like the idea of a sweatshirt over a silky blouse and the hues of rose pink and grey! 

Then you add a sparkly big statement necklace on top!  

I didn't even try to pair a high heel today with the outfit and just went direct with what I would be truly wearing... These  oxfords were simple and blending enough with this outfit. And comfy... 

This sweatshirt actually has a design in the front but I wore it backwards to use the plain side! 

Grey Sweathshirt & Oxfords & Necklace - Forever 21
Silk Blouse - Victoria's Secret
Denim Leggings - Kohl's

Today's Activities: Another Sea World day for us. We went yesterday so I can spend time with my Aunt and today was our preschool field trip. There were so many other schools there too and it was a bit hectic but it is just such a different dynamic when kids come to these places with their friends. They seem to interact and have so much fun running and chasing each other.
And us mommies just have to laugh it off as we stop every 10 seconds for one whinning kid or another or to get something they are requesting or picking up something they dropped. The fact that we are all in the same boat makes us feel better somehow.
The weather was awful and it started rainning pretty hard at some point. We were all prepared of course with rain jackets and hoodies for all the kids and blankets and ran to the nearest covered area for lunch.
After naps we went to the indoor play area and fed the kids dinner there. I dropped them home to my husband and then went straight to meet my mom, aunt, sister and step dad for sushi dinner.

We went to a funky 'garden discovery' section in Sea World which we have never seen before and saw the actual plant where artichoke's grow!

Random I know but I thought they looked so pretty and my kids love them as I wrote before...


  1. so cute! love the peachy/rosy blouse with the gray over it! and that statement necklace is a great accent piece. i totally feel ya on the tie thing but i did do it again. tried to change it up a little bit, but ended up doing something pretty similar. oh well!

    how cool you did another sea world day. i wanna take my girls when i go to visit SD next month!

  2. Wooo I am so going to copy this!!! Cool idea to wear things backwards. :)

  3. really cute look :D
    xx the cookies
    share the feeling
    visit <3

  4. i love the casual, yet fancy feel of this outfit. super cute!

  5. you look so cute! I love the combination of pink and gray!


  6. that statement necklace is beautiful.
    I had no idea that is how the artichoke plant looks like .....
    Have a fun day at Sea World.

  7. thanks for sharing the artichoke to see how they grow! i also love soft pink and gray hues and the idea of a sweater over a silky shirt. the last time i did this, i sweat(ed) like crazy, haha. too darn hot here!

  8. Awwww thank you for featuring me in this post, I'm quite flattered! I actually like your version of the outfit BETTER. Your necklace is so much prettier than mine and I love the oxfords with this outfit! :)

    Wow, those are some artichoke "flowers"! They look too pretty to eat! mmm... now I want some artichoke dip :p

  9. Love it, love it,love it so practical and beautiful outfit. Love those shoes and necklace. Love the artichoke flowers and İ remember one year İ wanted to grow them but İ don't remember what happened İ think they got infested with ants!! They are so beautiful should try them again and we can have organic artichokes!


Love to hear your thoughts...