
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Announcements and Gems from Mom's Closet

Again, sorry no outfit post again today. Couple Fashion Announcements though:

1. Two Birds have posted the photo for next Monday, June 13th Inspiration Monday.


 2. EBEW (Every Body Every Wear) is hosting a 'Lace' Event for next Tuesday, June 14th. 

And check out these gems my mom brought yesterday! 
My mom and I are usually the same size. But our weight fluctuates occasionally and not at the same time so we constantly land each other 'skinny' or 'baggy' clothes that do not currently fit us all that great. It is a great system.

These lace pants are just amazing aren't they? They are super long so would need heels but that is OK cause I won't be wearing this with the kids anyway...

Then she also gave me these shiny stretch satin pants that have zippers on both sides (interesting!)...

And also this super cool linen shirt. Don't you love the orange, coral, pink and yellow colors. Not sure why she is not wearing this cause it is really trendy...

These are my recent purchases. I was too lazy to photo them on so I know you can't tell but they are super cool and slim fitting and very pastel blue capri pants from J  Crew. I have been lusting over these and my darker blue Ann Taylor pants mysteriously disappearing plus a 20% coupon with free shipping convinced me to order them. And I got that chevron pattern tie belt in rust and cream color. They are going to be very cool outfits.

Since it is a random post here are the photos from the photo shoot we did with my Dad couple weeks ago. I took photos of the photos so the quality is not perfect...

Dad with all his Grand kids. Isn't my nephew just so cute?

My Brother and I join the photo

My kids looking down to their baby cousin. So cute right?

My Daughter - almost 2.5 yrs old

My Son - 4 yrs old

Both Together...

Well, we are on Day 2 of our 'happy potty day' event.
My daughter is hilarious. She starts to make the funniest faces and says the darnest things as she sits on the toilet. We had one success after breakfast where she pooped and peed in the toilet but it is half a success cause she didn't really tell me she had to go I just knew she would need to and we sat. So does not quite count but at least it was good enough for me to reward her with 2 m&m's and a sticker.
Then she was at this panic stage where she kept thinking she had to go but nothing would happen. Did this like 7 times and I was exhausted.
Our bucket of soapy water in the utility sink is already filled with 5 wet underwear and it is only noon!
I am still positive though. I do not quit quite easily and I am the most stubborn person I know especially when it comes doing something I set my mind to.
Going a bit stir crazy though sitting inside the house whole day. So went from room to room picking up.

In my room she got into our bed and put on my eye mask and said 'I am sleeping like mommy'. 
And yes that is how I sleep!
And no she did not have an accident at this point. Thank Goodness!

Then as I was trying on those clothes my mom gave above she went into my closet and pulled out these shoes and asked my help to put them on!
Having a child in each gender I can honestly tell you that some of this is emboddied in their brain. I know when my son is around me when I try on clothes he likes to create a throwing game out of my necklaces or use the shoes as boats or vessels for his plastic animal toys. But my daughter loves to try them on. Especially if she sees me put on lipstick or blush or nail polish. She wants it too. It is just so different!

You crack me up kid!


  1. Those lace pants are just amazing! Can't wait to see how you style them for EBEW. And I love the family photos!!!

  2. it is great to share outfits in fact and since İ am one size larger than usual at least you can use them. Juliet is too cute in your shoes and i hope she gets the idea of holding her pee soon for your sake especially today you looked very raggedy:) İ am dying to see what you do with the new loaned items!

  3. Your dad looks like a movie-star. And your kids are so darn cute.

  4. Those lace pants are so cool - can't wait to see how you style them up! Your kids are so cute. We are easing into potty training at the moment - my girl is being so stubborn about it.

  5. those lace pants are amazing! and again, such a cute family!!

  6. Adorable family photos!

  7. in response to your comment on my post...i hope you don't think i judge people who have cleaning people! i am mainly just jealous. i inherited the gene from my mom where i think i need to do it all myself. sometimes life takes over though, and i wish i DID in fact have a cleaning person at my house on a weekly (daily) basis!

  8. I really love those lace pants! So much!! -xxoo
    Adorable family photos!

  9. Oooh your mom has great taste love!! Your kids are way too precious for words!!!


  10. LOVE those lace pants. they're hot! your mom must be one stylish grandma! you're so lucky you can switch clothes with her. and how cute is your family...especially your little girl in those red shoes. too funny!

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  12. you have a lovely family! you daughter is an angel!

    It's always a pleasure seeing fellow mommy bloggers.

    I hope we can be blogger friends.:)


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