
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy Potty Day

 Well, as you guessed it no fashion post today. Not sure if I will be dressing tomorrow either. But I have some photos to post at least. Depending on how it goes I am hoping we can handle a small outing on Friday.
Well my daughter spent the day with this PJ top and ever changing underwear all day.
 She loved her big girl underwear. We had bought a pack of Ariel and pack of minnie and daisy ones. She was so excited to wear and sit on the potty. Day 1 is the toughest so I didn't have any high expectations. I did manage to catch each accident and rushed her to the toilet so by now she tells me as she is going and knows she needs to go in the bathroom. If only we can get her to hold and tell her before she goes that would be golden. We did have one tiny success after nap where she tinkled in the potty. My son and I did a total loud cheer and dance and she loved it. I love my son for helping me like that. He so wants her to learn and gives her a hug each time.
 I have a potty but I rather she just learns and uses the toilet directly since it sucks to clean the potty. Did have to get her a 'abby' seat cover though even though we already own 2 others but they were not 'girly' for her.
And yes we are trying to tell her she does not need to 'hold it' like her brother does!

 By lunch she went into a panic mode and told me she had to go every 5 minutes so I pulled up a stoll and sat in front of her. My mom had come to help (or entertain my son) so she took the photo. And yes this PJ bottom and sweatshirt combo was my outfit for the day.

Here are some less weird photos taken at the park yesterday from the outdoor class:
My daughter the ever fearless climber...

Took this from down below her...

My son said he was imitating the meerkats at the zoo last weekend laying under the sun:

Kids sat on both sides of our outdoor class teacher during the song time that I had to capture...

Doing the bean bag boogie dance... This teacher is so great and energetic... The class is actually a parenting class so after play time at the park, followed by this circle time she does a parenting topic lecture for us while the kids play/eat lunch right next to us. Great schedule and we meet at a different park every week. She brings all the supplies for an art project as well. All this is funded by the state and totally free!

Kids doing the monkey bars with my son's friend...It was so cold that I had to get the emergency jackets from the car, hence the mismatching. You know I had to explain!
The class is really his age group (3-5) but we all bring siblings. My daughter is so used to hanging with 3-5 year olds by now.  There are classes for her age as well but I just to my son's age group.


  1. It's funny but I was thinking about this from your earlier post and wondering how the training was going. Your amusing report makes us feel like part of the family! I love how open you are on your blog -- it's welcoming and nice. Your blog is one of my favorite reads.

  2. what great photos!! potty training is so much fun! :P hope you can stop by my blog for some +vibes and inspiration. I am also hosting a lovely giveaway :) XOX

  3. she's pretty cute!! we never potty trained our kids, we just waited for them to be ready and voila, it worked!! good luck! also, thanks for the reminder about the IM page...we just updated it!

  4. Your kids are adorable!!

  5. so cute and so sweet!
    Neat post!

    My Lyfe ; My Story

    @MyLyfeMyStory on twitter

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  7. Good luck with the potty training! Your kids are so cute! :)


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