
Monday, June 20, 2011


 So this was my outfit #2 on Sunday worn in the afternoon for our bowling outing with my Step-dad...

The Inspiration came from the following photo:

Love the denim on denim with touches of black and white with the hat and the oxfords...

I almost forgot I bought this at the thread show. it can be used folded as well but for this outfit it was great open...

Denim Shirt - from Turkey
Jeans - H&M
Belt - Ralph Lauren
Oxfords - Bass
Hat - Forever 21
Bag - Thread Show
Ring & Watch - from Turkey

Sunday Afternoon Activities: Went to the bowling alley to have a fun father's day celebration with my step-dad, mom, sister and her bf. With kids of course it is not really bowling but more free throw of the ball and hoping to knock down pins. They had fun though. My mom and step-dad met when they were bowling so it is always sentimental for them to go... We then met back at their house and enjoyed a KFC dinner followed by cake for my sister's bf's birthday. Kids had a blast playing with everyone in their backyard. My cousin and her gf came as well it was a nice gathering.


  1. the brogues are super cute!

    ELIZA x

  2. great picture of them reading the cards together! i love this look with the bag and fedora. i just bought another fedora...can't wait to get it!

  3. loved this outfit Defne ;)) It is got a really cool attitude ;)) xxx

  4. Fun! Great outfit for bowling night!!

    p.s. love the bag!! :)


  5. İ love this with the fedora hat and your bag is really cute. İ am just not liking those shoes at all -with anything:) That is me the older generation. İ like that style with a feminine version with heels and a skirt.İt was very much fun at bowling and Trevor seems like very talented in throwing!

  6. I love bowling and its fashion. Your hat and shoes are delightful.

  7. Great outfit! I'm loving the oxfords. I had a red and white pair as a cheerleader in high school, and wish I still had those! Love your blog, and so nice to find you through vB:)...

  8. You're the chic-est bowler I've ever seen! I love the ring and shoes.


  9. You recreated the look perfectly! Love your shoes! Looks like you all had a lot of fun! :)

    sorelle in style


Love to hear your thoughts...