
Monday, June 20, 2011

Polka Dots at the Beach

 So, I was going to do Inspiration Monday today but the outfit just was not calling to me. You know what I mean? And I wanted to wear something I was going to get excited about so settled on this number...

Photos were taken at my friend's front patio... 
And yes, I soooo need some sun on my legs. I ran out of the build a tan lotion I used to use so need to hit the drugstore!

I wanted to take advantage that I had a somewhat low key activity today and wear this mini dress. It is the one I ordered from yesstyle. I thought it was more red but turned out to be burgundy but I still like it. I just with it was a bit longer...

Added green and burgandy beaded accessories...

These ankle cuff sandals from last year have been worn sooo much. They just go with everything and are very comfortable...
 When we went to the beach we were able to take a few more photos thanks to my friends...Having photos taken is always a stressful activity when you have 6 kids on the loose!

This green shirt-jacket is from my true safari collection. I can also wear it as a vest as the arms zip off. I have yet to purchase an army green jacket so this is substituting for that.
Shirt-Jacket - Eddie Bauer
Dress - YesStyle
Bracelets  - From Turkey and hand made by friend 
Hat - Forever 21

Today's Activities: So this is the week 2 of our Monday playdate rotation with my two friends. These are the same friends we are going on a family vacation with in October so it is so nice to hang out and let the kids really get to know each other. The boys especially play so good together. Her house is only a block from the beach so when the morning gloom lifted we decided to venture to the beach. We decided at this point to not wait for the perfect warm weather and just work with the weather we have and start enjoying summer right away. So even though it wasn't super warm the fact that there was sun coming and going was good enough.
And the kids honestly don't care. They had a blast playing in the sand, climbing and jumping off of rocks and chasing and running away from the huge waves that wash to the shore. Afterwards they had a hearthy lunch. We decided next time we'll pack the lunch and take with us so we can stay longer. Cause even that short trip was a lot of work when you are herding 3 2 yr old and 3 4 yr olds and a wagon filled with gear.
After naps we came to the indoor play area and my daughter did a make-up gym class. She tried out a higher level class and did pretty good.

Walk to the beach...

Pretty beaches of La Jolla...

Kids chasing the waves...

They loved climbing all these rock formations and jumping off of them...

On the way back we got them to the top of the stairs then sat them on this bench so we can towel off their feet and put their sandals back on before the walk home...

And lunch back at my friend's house...


  1. wow...your dress is like my sist' similar..
    and it looks perfect on're really a fashionable mom :D

    check out my blog whenever you had a chance

    warmest regards,
    Miss Aa

  2. love the juxtaposition of a pretty dress and safari jacket. beautiful place, too...and only a block away from the beach??!! sweet! so great that the kids are all around the same age.

  3. Delightful dress. Its short-length makes you look young and playful.

  4. aw i love the photos on the beach, makes me want some sunshine!
    the dress is so cute :)

    ELIZA x

  5. So many great shots is hard to figure out what to comment on and not write a novel, lol.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the drses....I kind of like that it is more of a burgandy than bright red. And the beach shots are SO fabulous....the fedora is a great touch.
    really loving everything in this post!

  6. I love this dress Daphne! I took care of my 2 year old nephew for a week and have a new found respect for mom's...that was only one kid! You guys had 6 kids?! You must've wanted to sleep for a week after that! LOL

  7. You are one cool, stylish momma! I love your outfit! And how adorable are those beach shots?!

    Thanks for visiting us, your blog is lovely! We're now happily following! :)

    sorelle in style

  8. I love how you styled this outfit and put these colors together!! Perfect for the beach or any other day!! :)


  9. That dress is great, I love it! Sounds like you had an awesome day!

  10. I love this dress and your beach photos are amazing defne! :)

  11. Oh my goodness! The kiddo play date looks/sounds like so much fun (and so much chaos!!!) I love the burgundy dress and the length is really good on you, even though I can commiserate that mini dresses are hard to parent in. :) Sorry I've been MIA in the blog scene, lately! I've been adjusting to my new life, but hopefully I'll be able to pop in more often!

  12. that polka dot dress is gorgeous. love the color and the tie! and how cute is it with the safari jacket. i need to pair up my military jacket with a dress like that!

    i miss La Jolla. i went to school at UCSD so we used to go down to that beach all the time.

  13. Oh my God, I LOVE THE DRESS!! I scrolled down so fast to find out where it's from and it's Eddie Bauer?? REEEEEALLY? I never thought they would have such a great piece! :D

    The photo with kids all lined up... SO ADORABLE! :)

  14. Love all the beach photos! Looks like you had a great day! :)

  15. That is such a cute dress!! And i love it with the fedora! And the colors. Oh, it's perfect :)


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