
Monday, June 6, 2011

Gleaming Inspiration Monday

Posting totally out of order since I want to get in today's outfit for participating in the  
Inspiration Monday event hosted by the Two Birds Blog.

Here was their photo for this Monday of Brooklyn Decker:

So my take on this outfit was a light denim shirt paired with a glittery mini skirt. So here it goes:

This is the tucker skirt from Target. I have worn it once and have one other combo in my list so was happy to use it today. It is quite dressy but when paired with a denim shirt I think it works for the day...

This thin denim shirt has sleeves that can be rolled up and buttoned so works great for summer....

Close-up of the skirt's material:

These shoes looked very similar to the one in the inspiration photo:

Denim Shirt - from Turkey
Skirt - Tucker for Target
Shoes - Newport News
Necklace - Nordstrom Rack

To see how others wore today's inspiration click HERE!  

Today's Activities: It was the last day of preschool today. Not that it means much since we'll be starting summer session next Wednesday. But we did have to empty our cubbies and take all the art work that was hanging on the walls home. My daughter once again threw a huge tantrum over a cookie that was given after class. After half the tantrum, I gave in and gave her her cookie before she finished her food. Then she went on for 25 minutes of non stop crying over my son's cookie. My son never went through this stage even at her age as he has always been very easy to reason with and very advanced in comprehension. So I always feel helpless and don't know what to do when she does this. In short we had to cut lunch short and come home.
After naps my parents came over to play with the kids...
Later today I will post 'SUNDAY's outfit and photos... Like I said out of order today...


  1. That gold skirt and the platforms are sooo fabulous!

  2. I love this look!!! Very pretty!!

  3. I love the contrast of the metallic skirt and the most casual button-down! Great look!

  4. Wow, you were able to match this look almost exactly! I forgot about that Tucker skirt from Target. It's very very cute. I like this look a lot on you! And I'm loving that skirt!

    I totally feel you on those tantrums. I get so frustrated with the "treats" thing. My daughter now asks me for treats anytime we go shopping. I eventually give one to her after she's been good but then she starts demanding more. It drives me up a wall and I feel like I should've never given them to her in the first place! Makes me crazy! Just praying she grows out of it.

  5. Love it! can't say more its just a beautiful outfit.
    I love newport shoes, maybe even more than VS ones.

  6. You totally nailed this look! I love it!

    Girl, my two kids are like polar opposites. It's crazy! My oldest is the one that is a little tyrant and my youngest (she's still a baby), but she seems like she's going to be more easy going. Good luck getting through it! I wouldn't know it because my oldest is three and STILL throwing the occasional fit, but they say it passes!

  7. I love this! Dressing the skirt down with chambray is GENIUS!

    My daughter has her fair share of temper tantrums, but I have learned to NEVER give in to her, because she has a memory like a steel trap and will inevitably say "But mommy, remember the last time..." UGH.

  8. I have that skirt but I was so stinkin hot today I had to change in to something cooler. Yours looks great with your lovely shirt. Omg your shoes are very there anything you don't have in your wardrobe? Lucky! Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xoxo

  9. Great legs, Girl! Love your shoes. Nice interpretation. You nailed it, but with a whole lot more sexy.

  10. gosh, i'm so out of order, too! totally backlogged, and where does the time go! i LOVE the look. i wanted a sequin skirt last holiday season, but never got one. this is totally how i would want to wear it!

  11. Wow you always amazes me with your outfit, you have all the right outfits for all occasions! Love the shimmery skirt and shoes on you. Nice!


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  13. i really like this outfit. I love how the shirt sort of dresses the fancier skirt down (or the other way around!) those shoes are pretty fabulous, too!

  14. Perfect, perfect! Come on now were you in cahoots
    with those little birds? Grand slam on this one cutie

  15. Wow! You absolutely nailed it! Again! :-D I have looked through almost every outfit of this challenge and I'm really surprised at how many of us own those brocade-like shiny skirts, cool! :-)

    Relatable Style


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