
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Roar and Snore

 This was my outfit Saturday. The inspiration had come from the following polyvore combination:

I can't figure out how to post polyvore photos correctly yet. When I post from their site it just creates a post automatically not allowing me add/edit first. Anyway, this photo actually made me want this necklace and I bought it from there...

The top is from forever 21. I like its boxy and crop style for over skinnies like these jeans or high waist pants.

Here is the necklace close-up...

Since I only had my son with me I didn't need a wallet/purse or a diaper bag and got to use a 'purse'!!!

My hair blowing on my face...

My sister snapped all these photos on a bridge in Wild Animal Park...

Boxy Tee, Skinny Jeans - Forever 21
White Fedora Hat - Target
Necklace - 1938
Sandals - Boutique 9 (from
Purse - Marshalls

SATURDAY'S ACTIVITIES: We left quite early in the morning bags, sleeping bags, pillows packed with my sister and her boyfriend and my son to the wild animal park (WAP). Which is actually now called the Zoo Safar Park. It was their company family picnic that day at the park which was such a coincidence with our overnight stay. We had lunch at their company event plus got free drinks/cups and discounts for everything. Spent the day walking around the park with them and their friends. One of her friend's brought her friend's son so my son had a friend to play with. Although he totally thinks my sister's boyfriend is his buddy. 
It was a tiring day for all of us but especially for my son since without a stroller he walked a lot more and no nap or quiet time for him either. At 4:30 PM we checked in for our 'Roar and Snore' camping event and my sister and her boyfriend left with our car. We followed our guide to the camp site and first had dinner. By the time we finished our dinner our bags were delivered to out tent. The tents were huge and they provided thick mats. We first set our bed's and took out our PJs etc while we had the daylight as there is no electricity in the tents. Then put on slightly warmer clothes and set out for our evening walking tour. Our guide was very kid friendly in fact the kids were fighting to hold his hand during the walk. Got to see the lions behind the scenes, the elephants and the giraffes. Even got to meet an Armadillo up close and personal. 
After the hike they lit a campfire and had everything ready to make smores. My son likes to eat smore stuff without roasting and separately but he enjoyed roasting one marshmellow for the fun of it. Then they thought us how to drum and had more popcorn and drinks as snacks. The bedtime was 9 PM which was 1 hour later for my son and about a few hours earlier from my usual bedtime. But I slept . He really enjoyed spending this one one one time together and held my hand before falling a sleep... I also realize once again it is so easy first of all with just 1 kid, second of all with the older kid and third of all given my son's personality (he never runs away or wanders and listens quite well). It also helps that my son and I are soooo alike in personality. This helps us get each other and understand each other. I would have never thought I could get along this well with a 4 year old and with a boy. But we do.

My son all dressed up appropriately for his big camping adventure:

With My sister in front of the giraffe's...

At their company picnic lunch...

Trevor petting an Armadillo shell at the campsite...

This was one cool animal to see up close...

Roasting Marshmallows at night

In our tent at night my son reading with his flash light!


  1. i love all the parts to this outfit...the denim, boxy tee, and fedora! looks like a fun outing. my daughter had several opporunities to camp out at our zoo here, but we never made it to any.

  2. Love the fedora and necklace! That's a neat pic of the armadillo!

  3. That would be an ideal day for me. I am like a kid, love the zoo, the smores, the camping like if it was the 1st time doing it ever.
    Like your casual and chic outfit, looks relax but modern.


Love to hear your thoughts...