
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sleek Simplicity

 Wore this outfit this afternoon cause I was too late getting ready this morning. Picked a dressy outfit since I am going to go out with my bf tonight...

Here is the Inspiration photo from People Style Watch Magazine's May 2011 issue:
I could have also tried this with my pink slacks but that would require cuffing the wide legs and also it is a dry clean so figured the jeans which are just machine wash were a better choice for tonight.

I added a lizard print belt to hold the pants up.

Simple accessories of a white and rose gold watch with two thin burnished gold bangles...

Just like the inspiration photo added a rhinestone charm necklace...

Black purse is an unexpected color for the pasted hued outfit. Mine has that beaded bird charm with oranges and peach color so goes really nicely...

These shoes are super duper duper old. I bought them for work probably 13 years ago but they were not very comfy so wore them very little. They were too pretty to give away. 
 The cognac color was a better add than a brown pair...

Jacket - Thrifted Gap
Tee - Nordstrom Rack
Peach jeans - thrifted from Filomen's Closet
Shoes - Charles David
Belt - TJ Maxx
Bangles - Shop Ruche
Watch - Michael Kors
Necklace - Forever 21
Purse - Thread Show

Today's Activities: I have been working on my annual albums last night and this morning. After a very stressful and sleepless couple weeks in December last year trying to finish all my albums and order before year end I promised myself this year I would work on them every month and not wait till year end. But realized even that is easier said than done. Just adding the select monthly photos to our annual family album takes quite a long time. So last night I got in a zone was trying to catch up and did not go to bed until 1 AM. Then this morning continued and was totally late for our outdoor class hence just threw on capri jeans and a tee.
It was the last class of the semester and we had a potluck. There is no big good-bye since we start summer session just next week but it was fun to have a potluck. The park that was beach front was quite chilly so good thing I had extra jackets in the car.
Both kids took good naps. My SIL and their visiting family friend was going to come by in the afternoon but they never made it. Good thing is my Dad came over and the kids played hard with him. We baked cookies as a treat.
Tonight have plans to do dinner and a movie with  my friend. Tomorrow is a big day. I am creating a lot of excitement for my daughter to gear her up for it. It is POTTY TRAINING TIME! I do this 3 day boot camp style where you go cold turkey no diapers (well except for pull ups at night) and stay home for 3 days. It totally works but requires a lot of commitment and hell of a 3 days. Our chants are 'Happy Potty Time' and 'No More Diapers' and 'I am a Big Girl Now'. Hoping family members come to my aide by taking my son out of the house as unfortunately he is going to be stuck with us. Will keep you posted as to how it progresses. Probably won't be dressing much...


  1. pantolonun rengi çok hoş,bluz ve ceketlede uyumulu görünüyor :)

  2. It is admirable when a person's "simple" outfit is actually sophisticated and flattering. You always look great.

    Good luck with the potty-training. Sounds like you know what you're doing!

  3. I think this is one of my most very favorite outfits of yours! I love it! Very chic, very elegant, sophisticated mom-on-the-go. Perfect!

    Good luck with the potty training. My daughter just turned four and is BARELY potty trained just now. It's been a LONG road but that whole cold turkey no more diapers thing works.

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  4. You look a little like Nina Garcia, very chique.

    Also, I never thanked you for the cute award, so I do now. Thank you so much, it makes it all worthwhile!

    / Avy

  5. İ love this pastel sleek look and with an unexpected black purse! Yours is very cute with the bird. Hey, İ just scored a great purse at TJ Maxx yesterday! The brand is 6126 which is Marlyn Monroes's BD and the name of Lindsay Lohan's new handbag line. He teamed up with Dolce Gabbana ex designer Paz and these great leather bags is being sold for $450 and İ got mine for $44 !!! They did not know what brand it was or if it was leather at all. She is coming out with this line in fall and İ don't know how it got there? Google 6126 hand bags and mine is tempest satchel. She is coming out with a more affordable line 7285 which is her BD. Some fashion gossip info from me:)

  6. Love this whole outfit! Simple but fashionable. :)

  7. again with the colored denim...really like this color with beige. and is that beads/bird on the bag? so cute! although i'm past the potty training stage, would love to see how this bootcamp goes!

  8. Love it! I really need to get some colored denim in my wardrobe.

  9. Love this outfit!! the colors are spectacular! that necklace is very cute.
    conclusion: I LOVE IT!

  10. i really want those peach colored jeans! they're so versatile. i saw that picture of Cameron Diaz in my mag and thought she looked so cute and wanted to try a similar look with my mint colored jeans.

    anyway, you look fab in this outfit!

  11. I stumbled upon your blog through StyleID and I love it! Many women think that once they become a mom they have to give up fashion and looking great and I strongly feel they can have both. Your blog is a very charming read, thank you! :)

  12. ohhh i LOOOOVE the colored pants! i have been looking for some for the longest time! its a great idea to look for them from a thrift shop. cute blog!


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