
Friday, July 15, 2011

FBFF: Labels

I was going to post today's outfit and the FBFF answers in the same post but I ran out of time to upload the photos so it is just going to be FBFF. The outfit post will be tomorrow morning....

 Hosted by Katy from Modly Chic, today's  
Fashion Beauty Friend Friday (FBFF) theme is about 

1. As a someone who writes/blogs about fashion, have you placed yourself into some sort of blogging category?
At first I thought the label was simply fashion blogger. But now I realize there are sub categories within that. Since I post my own outfits and write about my own daily life I am a personal style blogger. I am also a mommy and that is a huge part of my blog so I am a 'Personal Style Blogger Mommy'.

2. What keeps you from or encourages you to label yourself as a certain kind of blogger?

I don't really care about the label. This is what I like to blog about so it suits me. Occasionally I will do a home decorating post or put a recipee or talk about something else but I don't stress that it is out of my 'label' in any way. There are no 'blog label police' out there that is going to fine me! :)

3. When picking blogs to read and follow are you drawn to ones that indicate a certain group or way of  thinking/being?
Yes. I am almost always drawn to personal style blogs a lot more than fashion blogs. I guess I am a very open and outgoing person so I like to know about the person I am following and relate to them in some sort of way. Personal style blogs post photos of themselves and tend to talk about themselves and I am drawn to that.

4. Do you think there are benefits in labeling yourself or others?
I think for people that prefer one type of blog over the other it helps them identify blogs they are interested in. Also if you were to start going after sponsors it is nice to be able to identify your blog clearly by a label.

5. Agree or Disagree - We're all just people; we don't need all the labels.
Agree. In life people wear many hats and you might know only one aspect of that person not realizing all the other things they are if you judge based on one label. This kind of goes to the whole thread we had in FBFF about coming out to friends and family about your blog. A lot of people blog in secret cause they feel they will be judged and labeled as superficial. I would hope my friends and family know the whole me and know loving fashion and doing outfit bloggging is just one part of me and something I enjoy but there is so much more.

To see how others answered these same questions please click HERE!


  1. Love this I don't know how to call myself but yes we don't need labels to identify

  2. This is interesting. I don't think I've really thought about how I would label myself. I guess "personal style blogger," but I agree, I don't love the idea of labels.

  3. WAH. This is such a fabulous post! I really enjoyed reading your answers and totally agree with them. Labels are certainly very confining - people are completely different and shouldn't be conformed into one category!

    And it's interesting thinking about what family and friends would say if they found my blog! I'm sure they wouldn't be surprised/ unsupportive but, ehhh, I kind of like having it as a secret!

  4. Good points. We are all multi-faceted. No label can capture the wild range of people like you and me.


Love to hear your thoughts...