
Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Greatest Show on Earth

 This was yesterday's outfit that I did not get a chance to post before I left for dinner.
The inspiration had come from the Ruche's lookbook:
 I truly love Ruche's website and merchandise. They are not cheap but have very soft and romantic items. I also enjoy browsing their look books for inspiration Ideas like this one...
I decided to use my maxi dress for the look. It is very soft cottan tank dress with a a-line flaring maxi skirt.
 The cardigan is actually from I tried to find a similar one at F21 but nothing like this soft and long and thin.
I added the soft pastel floral scarf and my gladiator flat sandals...

The fedora is a nice touch since normally a straw fedora would be more appropriate but I like this...

I changed this belt afterwards with a woven dark brown one cause this one kept getting loose with every move.

The africal resin necklaces were all collected from Forever 21. They are so cool...

 Dress, Bracelets - Forever 21
Cardigan -
Belt - Thrifted
Hat - Target
Sandals - Victoria's Secret
Scarf - H&M

This outfit was also part of the "Summer Trends" challenge presented by Megan Mae Daily and Casual Chic Kiki, Friday's trend was 'Neutrals'... 
Friday's Activities: Our big event yesterday was going to the Circus. Ringling Brothers was in town. OK, I know there is A LOT of controversy around circus treatment of animals and I totally support the actions against it. Afteralll I have gone on a safari in Kenya and have a total appreciation of animals in the wild. It actually kills me to even see elephants in our world famous zoo's grand enclosures cause I have seen them walk miles and miles everday living in huge all female families. 
But, I also remember my grandparents taking me to the circus and how much I enjoyed the experience and want my children to have that. So there you have it...

I can't imagine how expansive it is to have this many tigers! They eat meat you know...
 This was an amazing act:
Cool Costumes:

Here are my kids with my friend and her kids:

No easy feat herding 4 little ones in crowded hallways of the arena. This was us during the break taking a lunch and bathroom break. You can see my friend holding one reaching for the boys and my daughter trailing behind...

The kids (making the oddest faces) and I:

So, we had a bit of an adventure. My friend came and after moving all the car seats and getting the kids in the car we drove to the arena and remembered in the parking lot that i forgot the tickets at home! Had to drive all the way back and there again. Then we park the car and walk to the gate again herding 4 now bored and full of energy kids and the lady tells my friend she can not bring her SLR camera (and yet my digital is fine)... So now she has to go back to the car to leave the camera. As soon as she leaves her older son bolts to inside the arena. I try to go after by putting down the little one who is crying 'mama' and he bolts outside after my friend. Thank goodness the ladies at the gate help stop the older one while I re-pickup the younger one. So, by the time we sit we are literally exhausted and it is just starting. Add to that about 4 bathroom and 2 food purchase breaks and you can see these are fun fun events but they leave us dead tired.

The kids took a while to settle down afterwards at home but they did nap and by the time they woke up late afternoon my husband was home and I left immediately after to meet my friends.

We went to my friend's older sister's house for dinner. She bought this house not long ago and has done a very nice job decorating it. Served us a delciious dinner at a beautifully set table. 
Then we played Polish Rummy until late at night!

 Our host:


  1. The accessories here REALLY shine..LOVE that those bangles..and literally wear a fedora almost everyday- so you know I love that too.
    Hope you have a fabulous weekend w your family!

  2. This is fabulous, mama. One of my favorite looks of yours!! xx

  3. This looks perfectly comfortable and stylish. Love the layering!

  4. Great inspiration pulling. I love how soft and romantic it looks. Ruche really does have some lovely items and lookbooks. I've never ordered from them before though.

  5. Great outfit! I love pulling out inspiration photos to recreate a look from my closet. The maxi dress looks so comfortable. And those bracelets really top off a great outfit :)

  6. i love the entire outfit, the circus and the table setting! i was so interested on your sandals , wonder if they still it have on VS....

  7. wow! that's really chic! I love the minimalism in colors and all that stylish forms, fantastic bracelets!


  8. I love Ruche and I think you pulled off that outfit perfectly. My favorite part is the Fedora.

    And it looks like you had fun :D I love the photos with the kids. Adorableee.

    Castle Fashion

  9. I love the flowy-ness and the muted colors. That belt is awesome!

  10. love the hat and the scarf!


  11. Hi! Following you from a blog hop!:0)
    Hope you visit me and return the follow!

    Btw if you like please join the Treasure
    Trove Tribune! I think you will enjoy

  12. I LOVE this fact, I'm totally going to steal it for this weekend. : D You put it together so well, stylish & chic! The circus photos are cool, and I'm completely with you on what you wrote. Kinda painful, but good childhood memories. Lovely post. Such a clever blog!
    Dressology HQ


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