
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Feminine Military with Sunny Yellow

This post is going to contain lots of links as this outfit was to participate in two separate challenges:

1. Fashion Challenge by Megan Mae Daily Blog. Today was military with a feminine twist. Click HERE to see the challenge rules and what is coming up everyday this week.

2. Every Body Every Wear's Yellow Challenge....
Click HERE to see others!

Ok, one more link, I was inspired by Ariel from Artfully Awear:
I actually  have a hat like that platform sandals but today was a crazy day and I couldn't even put them on for the photo shoot...These photos were taken by my dad after we finished his chemo treatment. Not quite a sun hat and platform sandal kind of event.

This sunny yellow blouse was purchased in Turkey last year on clearance from Mango.

I own two colors of this necklace this bronzish gold and one in silver tones. It is a really cool one!

 Shirt - Mango
Black tank, necklace - Forever 21
Capri pants - Victoria's Secret
Shoes - Rocket Dog

Today's Activities: Got an early start this morning to go with my Dad to his infusion appointment. Had the kids lunches ready and packed and my mom took them to their outdoor park class. We came back during nap time, although my son had napped in the car and my daugther was not sleeping yet. I had to once again stay in her room for a while to get her to sleep. I am not sure but she is trying to drop her nap although she is way to young. After naps due to my good friend's support I build up enough motivation to meet up with her so we can feed the kids early dinner in the mall then go to the gym (which is in this mall). Of course little did we know the 'body pump' class we wanted was super popular and was already full. Will know to sign up early next time. So we just did free weights but still got to exercise which was great. Amazing how I did go through the whole afternoon with no caffainne due to exercise. Got the kids dressed in PJs in the gym's kids club so we cna put them to bed as soon as we got home. Going to attempt to do 1 or 2 classes a week. Meeting up with a friend will always motivate me cause I rarely flake on plans I make. If it was just me though I would totally flake on myself!


  1. yay, you did the double challenge as well! i love the camo pants and that jacket with the bright yellow top! so cute. and that necklace is seriously stylish. ilove the statement.

  2. Oh my gosh! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog, I've been waiting to meet another San Diego mommy fashion blogger! You're absolutely beautiful and your children are ADORABLE!
    This is such a fun look and I love how you were able to take on the challenges of two blogs and put them into one outfit! :)

  3. good idea, love your militart style, cool and chic! see you

  4. the necklace is gorgeous, and nicely mixed style! x

    ps would you please vote for me on my blog? It means a lot for me!

  5. And that's why I get up so early to work out, because if I don't, I WILL flake on myself too. :)

    You look adorable, this is such a great way to combine the two challenges!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  6. Great outfit interpretation! I love that statement necklace and the military jacket. Very fun outfit!

  7. Never thought of pairing yellow with these types of pants, but I like the idea! :)


  8. wow! You really rocked the yellow AND the military and feminine! I totally need to try this!!! I don't even know if I own anything military!

    Notes She Wrote

  9. sarı bluzun ön çalışması çok şık ve kolyede ile çok uyumlu... yakışmış :)


  10. Great take on the military/feminine! And I absolutely adore your necklace! It is gorgeous! And yah for you - you did 2 challenges :)

  11. amazing how you styled your cammo pants so chic!

  12. This is awesome! You wore it so well & I love the necklace. Thanks for the mention :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


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