
Monday, July 11, 2011

Inspiration Monday - Kate Moss in stripes

 Participating in the Inspiration Monday hosted by Megan and Nora from Two Birds Blog...

Today's Inspiration was from the lovely Kate Moss:

I do like this look. I had two choices: Longer black capri pants with very thin white stripes or these off white bermuda shorts with black stripes. I felt these represented the inspiration better so went with them.
 First I thought the long blazer jacket from an old suit would be too much and took out a cropped one as well but this actually looked cool. Not as cool as her jacket with leather lapels...
 I felt the outfit was a bit blend since I didn't have her details such as leather on jacket and side stripes on the pants so I added this cool spiky necklace and the studded ballet flats for some pizazz.
I actually have black leather (chloe) purse that is just like hers but it has gold metal accents all over which would have clashed with my silver stuff so went with this old suede fringe bag instead...
 These are my super old sunglasses. Back when smaller shapes were in style and they are slightly cat eye. Might be vintage one day so saving all designer ones...

Jacket - part of a Bebe suit
Tee - Target
Shorts - not sure super super old
Ballet Flats - some funky website which I now can't remember...
Purse - Guess
Necklace - Forever 21
Sunglasses - Chanel

 To see how others have interpreted this look click HERE!

Today's Activities: Another playdate monday today and this time I was the host. Researched some more fun kid friendly recipees over the weekend and settled on a black bean salsa with tortilla chips for lunch and melon cucamber sushi rolls for snacks. It was going to be a swim playdate and of course as my luck would have it the weather totally cooled down today. We turned on the heater but not in time so the pool was still a bit chilly for our taste at 82 degrees. We first had the kids play in the backyard then swam then had lunch. They always have a great time and we enjoy each other's company immensely but feel exhausted at the end.
After naps went to the indoor play area which we have not been in a while. My bf is coming over tonight for Chinese take out and watching two tivo'd episodes of true blood after kids go to bed!

Here are the snacks I put out. The curly chips are made with lentils and potatoes. Taste: not bad.
The others are crispy green beans which are pretty tasty. And the cucumber melon rolls.

The black bean salsa made with can black beans, yellow and red bell peppers and tomatoes. The key ingredient juice of two limes in the dressing which adds the perfect summer citrusy taste.
 These are flour tortillas cut in wedges and brushed with olive oil and salt than baked in the oven. They come out as these perfectly crispy and tasty chips. We loved them and so did the kids.

We took out the water table for the kids to play and two of the girls decided to dunk their heads in to get their hair wet!

They loved the effect. My daughter in purple...

The boys were playing with the CARS color changing car toy (Ramon's paint shop)...


  1. Hey İ am first to comment:) İ love the whole look but your necklace and your flats are stealing the show! The snacks look delish and the kids look like really having fun.

  2. You look so chic mom-on-the-go! I love it.

    That salsa sounds incredible!!!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  3. You did a great job with this inspiration photo. Your shorts paired with the jacket look fantastic! You are one stylin mama!

    And the salsa looks soooo good!

  4. I love your take on the inspiration! It's such a chic look!

  5. Daphne darlin! You look so great! I love everything from your head to toes!
    XO Carrie

  6. You did a great job with the look. I like the jacket with the capris and that necklace is very nice! Lunch looks good and healthy and it sounds like a fun day. I'm not sure what the problem is with my picture taking abilities, but even without a flash my photos often turn out too light which obscures the details. Debbie

  7. Re Fashion Challenge Badge: We're currently just having people save the image and upload it as they wish. Fashion Challenge has begun to grow past expectations and we don't have hosting or anything yet. Sorry about that, if you experience any trouble/problems, just link to the master post here and that will be sufficient.

  8. Just found your blog, I love how you put this outfit together, kinda random but I bought those same ballet flats too and I really like them from some store in Orange County. They kinda reminded me of the British flag. Your whole outfit is very chic and definitely reminds me of Kate Moss.

    Following you now

    I have a fashion blog here in San Francisco if you have time to visit

  9. The blazer and cropped pants look is such a wonderful idea. It's casual yet smart chic. I love the necklace, so cool, and the fringe bag is lovely too, I'm looking for one. You're one hot mama. And the snacks look yum.


  10. okay, this outfit is perfection! i love those shorts with that black blazer, and those flats are so gorgeous!

  11. You look even better than the inspiration picture! I love the badassery of the necklace!

  12. the flats are my favorite part, it is kinda reminiscent of the flag! your lunch looks really good. never did try cucumbers with melon! interesting, will have to try.

  13. you've gotten it right almost on Kate Moss-- I love the blazer on that necklace! I had always wanted a necklace like that, and your kids are so cuddly!

  14. Love your outfit!!! Here's my first giveaway, take a look:


  15. You did a great job!Kate Moss is always a great source of inspiration, she has an amzing style!!!

  16. We love your blog, wonderful and we are following you.
    Creators of the earring look of the day.
    A great Tuesday.

  17. love the outfit! love that necklace and studded ballet flats esp3cially... is that the union jack on your shoes? if so, kate moss is SO london and now so are you!

  18. Your outfit is great! I like a lot your blazer, your bag and the necklace!

    Your kids are lovely!:)

    Following you now on Google, i would love it if you followed me back!

    Stories and Sequins

  19. that necklace and the flats are definitely the perfect added touches! i love your take!

  20. Hello Daphne! I was surfing the blogosphere that this is amazing and I discovered your blog. Like you so much!!! I'm a fashion blogger and housewife as well. I am a mother of three and I can not imagine my life without my children. In 24 hours I split being a mother, wife, housewife, fashion designer, producer, photographer and model, rsrsrs. It's too much to handle! But I just keep up. We are modern women and this is already part of everyday life for a modern woman, is not it? That's why sometimes I long to meet my followers. I identified so much with you, I love knowing their children and enjoyed knowing that wears many hats. When you come to know my blog, I find that I only use hats. It is indispensable for my productions. I confess that I'm afraid to expose my children, the Internet is a dimension that you can not have 100% control.
    I'll come back here! I hope you can visit me and liked my style and follow me I'll be very proud of the recognition.
    Have a great day.
    Kisses ~.~
    Flavia Cruz from Brazil

    *But the way, I loved the necklace!
    Here in Brasil is very cold, if you want, get inspired with my outfit's winter for your next season.

    Sorry my English, google is very important in this case.

  21. Your necklace is fantastic! I am loving your shorts. I love your interpretation.


Love to hear your thoughts...