
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ikat Scarf

This outfit was inspired by this French Connection catalog photo:

It is nothing majorly special but reminded me of this simple black summer dress I own and have not worn it for couple years.

I got this dress after I gave birth to my son as it was something comfy, breastfeeding friendly and very simple.

Added the ikat design/print scarf as a belt 

and the huge blue wooden necklace to pop...

 Photos were taken by my Step Dad in front of their lovely front garden which is my mom's pride and joy...

Dress - bought at a local beach boutique
Scarf - Forever 21
Necklace - Thread Show
Sandals - Victoria's Secret

I am finally getting around to acknowledging the couple of lovely ladies that have given me the  
'Lovely Blogger Award' 
last month!

First is Ahsen (a fellow Turkish Mommy Fashion Blogger) from a Wear A Smile who gave me the award on Friday, June 3rd. To see the post of the award click HERE.

Second is Gozde from Gozde'nin Gozunden who awarded me on June 22nd.
To see the post of the award click HERE.

As you know with these awards I am to list 7 (random) things about myself. I always draw blank when it comes to these things especially after doing this 3-4 times you kind of run out of things to say...
So, I think these are some things I haven't mentioned before:
1. I don't really enjoy speaking on the phone at length. I love face to face chats but for some reason on the phone I can't wait to get off. To
2. I am a planner with a capital 'P'. I love having a schedule and planning. I go a little nuts when things are not planned.
3. Even though I like having a nice garden and potted flowers, I really don't like to garden or take care of them.
4. I do a lot of digital scrapbooking with photos. I create annual family albums, a blog album, calendars for the family and keepsake albums for the kids every year. I also upload and share the photos I take with the kids with all the distant family members on a monthly basis by creating monthly albums that include select photos from our activities. All of this consumes a lot of my time!
5. I love dancing and going out to dance. Since kids those times have been few and far between but still...
6. Ironically I can't carry a tune for the life of me and yet that does not effect my ability to dance. Weird.
7. I enjoy social drinking. I have quite tolerance towards hard liquor and usually know my limit but I can drink most people (including my husband) under the table.

Today's Activities: Went to breakfast at my mom and stepdad's house this morning and stayed until after lunch. Kids love hanging out there. During naps I packed like crazy. We have a super busy schedule:
Afternoon: stopping by friend's house to see their sister who is visiting and for a quick swim...
Night: going to a BBQ at my friend's house then watching early fireworks from their deck and spending the night there since they are north of us and we are heading north the next day.
Tomorrow: Will be driving up north to Oxnard, CA (probably 60 miles north of Los Angeles) to meet up with my in-laws (My husbands parents,  older sister and her family) to spend 4th of July at a resort on the beach.
Tuesday: will be driving back to SD.


  1. Well mostly Juliet was decorating my garden and now İ see you did it very well. Looking beautiful my baby and love that necklace and your shoes. İt was a very fun day İ cleaned after you all for an hour!!! İt was well worth ed İ love having you all for breakfast.

  2. Love the necklace! It's a stunner!
    XO Carrie

  3. WOW,stunning necklace!

  4. I love the dress with the scarf/belt thing. Would totally wear that!

  5. Hate the phone, love to dance... newly following! Come see me sometime... Orangies Attic

  6. Daphne, i love everything about this outfit. it's gorgeous! i need to start figuring out ways to wear black too during the summer. that necklace makes a serious statement and i love ikat prints! this is all so lovely!

  7. Hi! I am your newest follower! I would love it if you stopped by check it out and become my newest follower! Have a great 4th!

    Kirsten ;)

  8. Your necklace is ridiculously fabulous!! I need to have it. :)


  9. Love the scarf and that gorgeous necklace!

  10. Love, Love, Love this outfit! :)

  11. Adore this outfit - that necklace is divine!


Love to hear your thoughts...