
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Leopard and Lace

Today's outfit was inspired by one of those crazy headline photos at F21's website:

I liked the idea of lace vest over blue with a big black feather necklace. 

Except mine isn't feather but leather fringe but the look is achieved...

Added leather cuffs and bracelets and watch...

The animal print shorts adds interest with blue...And they are very comfy both in fit and length.
Shorts and cuff bracelet - Forever 21
Vest - Marshall's
Ribbed tank top - Bebe (very very old)
Necklace - Bebe
Chain bracelet - Tilly's
Sandals - Boutique 9 (from zappos)

Today's Activities: Went to a super early (9:30 am) birthday party this morning. The weather was warm and sunny even that early. They served bagels and mimosa's so we were fine with the early start. After naps had an impromptu pool party with the family. Everyone kind of brought what they had at their house and we had a BBQ after hours of swimming. Glad we are getting to use our pool so much after all the backyard remodel. The kids love swimming and they love having family or as my son likes to call them his 'grown up friends'...

Both kids wanted to pose with my while my husband quickly snapped my photos before we walked to the party in the morning...

He likes to hang his 'shrek' bag from his neck like this. It contained his new cars2 set...

This is the dress my daughter picked herself at Marshall's with my mom and step dad. Apparently she immediately took off her existing outfit and demanded to put this on right away... My mom got the brown sandals from there as well. 

So I wore my animal print short to match her!

Family having fun at the pool!

My son having fun with the squirt gun with my step dad...


  1. Love your vest and the combination of different style!

  2. i'm really impressed you had such a similar outfit as the F21 photo

    good on ya~

  3. Uzun bir tatil arasindan sonra tekrar merhaba Defne' cim. Bir suru post birikmis, ne guzel boyle bir cirpida hepsine bakmak, cok zevkli.

    Cok hos gorunuyorsun sen her zamanki gibi, o kolyenin biraz kucugu var bende de ama seninki cok daha guzelmis. Ah Forever 21 Ah!
    Kızının elbisesine de bayıldım, bayıldım, bayıldım. Ne kadar şeker olmuş yaa, yerim onu ben. Harikasınız hepiniz. Öpüyorum

  4. nice look and cute photos! the girl is so lovely in animal dress!

    Check out my new outfit post!

  5. Love those shorts. A lot. Your daughter's dress matching them is just too cute.

  6. Your daughter is going to be a fashionista, just like you! :)

  7. Wow looks like Juliet got even more comments on her dress than you:) She is too cute to pick an animal print dress among all the pink ones a tthe store! İ love your neclace and vest and the blue combo with that print. Juliet could use some blue hair ribbons as well. Just a comment from Anneanne:)))


Love to hear your thoughts...