
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nighttime Zoo

 This is the outfit I ended up wearing this afternoon. But, you will have to scroll down to see what I started with...
This ended up very bohemian safari like I think...

 Bright orange strapless top gives a nice pop of color. I layered 3 beaded necklaces for that tribal effect...
 Felt hat and strappy ankle cuff sandals...

 Having photos not rotating issue again but this is when I put on an additional wrap around cardigan on...

Cardigan and Vest - Forever 21
Top - from Turkey
Pants - Bebe
Sandals - Boutique 9
Hat - Asos
Belt - J Crew
Necklaces - all Foreign purchases

So, first though I created an outfit using this Inspiration photo from Lucky's June 2011 issue:
 The craziness of this oufit appealed to me.
But, when you look closely you will see it was a bit too crazy...

 After I took these photos I changed it up to the other outfit on top of the post...

Today's Activities: Morning was nice and mellow cause my mom and stepdad volunteered to take the kids to Sea World! I got to lounge around in PJs all morning as a result. They came home in time for an early nap since we had afternoon plans. My son was so good and promised to nap and he did. My daughter on the other hand is on a nap strike and after 1 hour of her talking and singing to herself I literally had to rock her in my arms like a baby to make her drowsy enough and got her to sleep finally. They woke up in time for us to get ready and leave for the zoo. My dad joined us. Our zoo has 'nighttime' activities during summer months and this is the first time we were going to see the new shows. The acrobatic shows were very cool. We also met my brother, SIL and my little nephew... We had a great time hanging out. My son loved the concert at the end as well. To his disappointment though it never got actually dark before we left even though it was past their bedtime. That confused the whole 'nighttime zoo' title for him. 

At the end of the show the acrobats posed with the kids!

My dad took us walking...

Stupid photos not rotating... This was with the stilt walkers...

With My Dad...

The ladies with their sons...

The boy cousins are dressed matching shirts!

Watching the final concert with the kids...


  1. I love your cargo pants! I really like your take on this outfit in the end. Love your necklace too :)

    Sometimes I do the same thing with an inspiration picture and it looks good until you try it on and it's not what you thought in real life.

  2. Loving the safari look!!


  3. Very cute look! I love those shoes.

    You're welcome to join in Fashion Challenge any time, if you want to join late. Just leave a comment on the main post and I'll link you up. ;D Thanks for the sweet comment on blog.

  4. Love those three layered necklaces...they really give off a tribal vibe, which is what you were going for:)
    Isn't it funny..sometimes it really helps to look at a photo of an outfit and see when something works...I still liked the outfit..but agree..the feathered necklace was a little too much w everything else going on. Great edit.
    Hope you have a fabulous week.

  5. Love this look! Looks like you had a fun day! :)

  6. Love this...your summer layering is perfect!

  7. love that orange top. it's gorgeous. and i love those pants with the cute sides on it! great outfit. perfect for a trip to the zoo!


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