
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A blue streak

Today's blue combo was inspired by I think a photo I saved from Bloomingdale's lookbook
 I think this is a 'Halogen' sweater. They have really cute ones…. I tried to create a focal point with the necklace instead….

My little man jumps in for one of the poses...

Sweater, Jeans - Forever 21
Booties - Steve Madden
Necklace - cool buy from a fashion show

It was 'blue' day at the preschool hence the blue sweater…
My day was quite crazy though… We started the morning with an 8 AM dentist appointment for my son. I had promised to take the daughter of my friend who just had a baby to preschool so her husband brought her over to the dentist's office. I took the three kids and drove to my son's school to drop him off an hour late. Then we drove to pre-school. Afterwards bought lunch and went to my friend's house to see the baby and drop off her daughter. Then it was off to my son's school to pick him and his friend up and bring them over to our house for a playdate. After snacks they begged me to help with rainbow loom making rattle snake charms. Before we could finish though we had to do go to my son's swim practice. I didn't have the heart to end their playdate early so took him with us then they continued playing after we came back home. His mom came over for tea and brought her daughter and the girls got along great too. I managed to cook a dinner during all this chaos and the house didn't look that bad despite all the playdates.
Overall quite a successful day…

1 comment:

  1. That was quite an early dental appointment huh? However, it’s a nice way to start your child’s day. How’s was it? I hope you don’t have to worry about cavities. By the way, it’s nice to know that you’ve had a great play day! :)

    Elliot Bagley


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