
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Little Rugged

 Today's casual and chic outfit was inspired by a look from a site called 'Fashion Diva Design':
To be honest I actually don't remember when I visited this site but I apparently did and saved this look….

 Thins grungy look was very popular among the mommies at the playground today and so were all the feathers and feather motif I had going. This Tee was in my dad's closet with tags on. I don't do regular tee's but first of al it was something of his I can wear and second it had a cool graphic design...

Hat - Lucky
Blouse, Jeans - Forever 21
Tee - Levi's
Boots - Target
Purse - DKNY
Sunglasses - Betsey Johnson

Went to the outdoor class which was at a public playground of YMCA followed by a super cheap ($5) 1 hour gymnastics lesson at the YMCA. Except they were completely unprepared for our large class and it was chaos for a while. Ver few of us have older (4.5 to 5 year olds) so we were fine as they took our kids first and started. But the ones with smaller kids plus carrying a baby in a sack strapped to them those mommies had it tough as they had to follow the kids around and had to wait for quite a bit of time. I don't think our teacher will ever do a field trip there again.
My daughter though was ecstatic about this rose gold medal she got covered with rhinestones. She wouldn't stop talking about it.

Afterwards we came home and I finally got the motivation to clean out and organize my kitchen and garage pantry closets.   It had gotten so bad not only did I not know what was in it I was afraid to go through the shelves so kept buying the same stuff. We now know we have about enough pasta and pasta sauce and cereal to last us rest of the year!
After all this cleaning it was already time to pick up my son from school then back to the house for homework and cooking dinner and baths and bed time.


  1. I love this outfit with your dad's T and in the first picture you have posed looking jut like his pose! Juliet's picture smiling with her eye closed looks just like an expression you do all the time.
    I guess we all carry signs from our parents and that is what keeps them alive:)


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