
Sunday, February 23, 2014

There's always gonna be another mountain

Saturday night's date night outfit was a brand new inspiration from People Style Watch Feb 2014 Issue:

I love the idea of polka dot black hose under winter shorts especially for a date night. Then adding loose layers on top offsets the sexy look of the legs…  

 Jacket, Blouse, Tights - Forever 21
Shorts - Bebe
Heels - Shoedazzle
Purse - DKNY
Bracelets - Forever 21

First portion of the day was with the kiddos. Started the morning watching olympics together then I took my daughter to acting class while my hubby stayed with my son. Her acting class lets us come in the last 10 minutes where they put on a mini performance for us parents. It was soooo adorable to watch my daughter truly act out. I am starting to feel this really might be her calling.  She sure loves to perform.
Then after lunch we washed them up and packed their bags and took them to my parents where they will go to the circus and spend the night. We then met up with my sister and brother in law for a nice hike up 'cowles mountain'….
We have been waiting for years now for our kids to get old enough to go on these hikes. I feel my son is there but my daughter might need another year to do the type of hikes we like to tackle. Can't wait cause we remembered how much we like to hike. Except there were too many people on this trail which I don't like as much. I am also more of a rainforest trail kind of girl and love deserted hardly there paths.  My sister definitely does not like hiking but she hung in there as we all pushed her…

Then we all went to our homes to shower and change and met up for a nice double date dinner….
After dinner we wanted to go to the movies. We as in 'girls' but the 'boy's didn't like anything we picked so we ended up coming back to our house to rent 'Dallas Buyers Club' fro on demand. Trying to see all the oscar nominated movies…

Here are some fun photos we took before leaving the house…


  1. I loved this blog page!! It is rare hat I see all my children in this blog:) First of all I love the Valentino shoes with dark hose and under shorts. Love your picture with Jon and the pose is so cool with him looking away, the next picture he is wearing that mischievous smile just like Juliet have. Tyler and Buket look darling and I am glad we had the kids to make this event happen!

  2. A beauty with legs this attractive deserves to show them off. So go wild! You look terrific

  3. aww, you guys are adorable. and your legs are awesome! i love wearing shorts though i've never paired them with tights. but everytime i see that combo it always looks awesome! i'll have to try it.

  4. i miss hiking. it's been so rainy the past few months! several of our hikes we had to cancel...too dangerous.

    love the outfit and that fact that you guys are semi-matching, lol!!

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