
Monday, February 24, 2014


Today's outfit was inspired by another mommy blog 'Mom Fashion World':

Mine is the southern CA version with a cotton short sleeved trench instead of a coat….
Today was 'wear yellow' day at my daughter's pre-school so it was perfect….

Coat, Scarf - TJ Maxx
Top - Target
Pants - Skinny Ponte pants by kikaPaprika
Boots - Shoedazzle
Earrings - Cookie Lee

Took my son early so he can be part of the run club staring line up which he really likes now and starts pestering me 15 minutes before we have to leave. The only kid probably that begs 'I want to to go to school now'… Afterwards I came home to finish cleaning up and putting away laundry then went to preschool. It was my daughter's sharing day. She took her furby and the ipad to show how she feeds her etc… The kids went nuts over it…

Afterwards I dropped off my daughter at my mom's then went to my son's class to volunteer. Did a few photocopies than ran the math station. We came home for snack and homework then went to his swim practice then back to home for dinner. My friend is over as we catch up on our TV shows….


  1. cute outfit...really digging those boots!! i need to find a nice flat one for running around.

    $600 SPRING Giveaway!

  2. Hi Daphne! I just logged in to my account and read your comment... it's been 3 months or almost 4 months I haven't updated my blog. I've been to busy, huh! I'll be back to blogging very soon. Thank you for an inspiration post!


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