
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Best thing that's ever been mine

 This was Friday's outfit… I am totally behind now but will catch up eventually….

This was inspired by Bee (Atlantic Pacific):
 Many layers over stripes and distressed jeans with the animal print shoes… I added a green necklace...

Coat - Old Navy
Denim Shirt - J Crew
Striped top - From Turkey
Jeans - Forever 21
Booties & Purse - Shoedazzle
Necklace - Cookie Lee

Went to my daughter's school then stopped at Target for some last minute shopping for our trip.

Then headed straight to my son's school to watch his spring sing concert…
My parents met us there and afterwards they had a little treat party to celebrate end of school and start of spring break…

Afterwards we came home and I figured out what I was going to pack for the trip. You would be so impressed I paired it down to one coat and 2 pairs of boots ONLY! Every piece is used at least twice and the color scheme is black and white with Burgundy or mustard. And did go a little nuts on the beret department packing a different hat for each outfit to make it interesting.

My mom and daughter had a little tea party in her room while my stepdad took my son to the rec center then to swim practice…

Then I cooked an edamame salad for my bookclub meeting and left the family to go out to dinner while I headed downtown to meet the girls…

We met at my friend's clubhouse to discuss our last book 'The Circle'. Great discussion and catching up with each other's lives. And we found out the sex of babies our friend is having. TWIN GIRLS…
What a great night…

1 comment:

  1. I will start my comment with the congratulations for the twin girls, how fun!! Trevor sang beautifully and Juliet and I had a blast with the tea party:) Daphne you had the cutest outfit as always and I had he most comfortable:) Happy spring break!


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