
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Heart of Gold

Thursday's outfit was inspired by J Crew's December 2013 catalog:
 I liked the idea of adding a baggy cozy sweater over the dressy pants and the beret makes it casual…
These pants always shine and attract so much attention and compliments...

 New discovery. I am a person that just gets so cold if I don't have thick socks and boots on during the winter months. So I can never bring myself to bear my ankles and ruin so many looks by wearing socks. I also can't find the right nude shade of knee high stockings. So I gave up looking and wore full length sheer nude panty hose instead and voila looks great...

Beret, Sweater - Forever 21
Pants - J Crew
Oxfords - Shoedazzle

I actually started the day with work out clothes and ran at the park during my daughter morning ballet class. It was pretty freeing to run in fresh air. I usually hate running but once a week might not be so bad and it is a great park to run and I have a solid hour while she is in Ballet. That way I didn't have to exercise at night. We ran a few more errands then came home for a quick shower and change then picked up my son and went to rec center than to tennis and then back home. My sister and brother in law came over and I cooked a healthy dinner for all of us...

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are able to post again. My Facebook timeline was missing something each day :)


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